Thursday, 18 April 2013 12:59

Famed Santa Fe Artist Creates Cinematic Gem

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One of Santa Fe's most-loved artists, Andrea "Drew" Bacigalupa, has created a lyrical and poignant piece of film (see link below) that connects Santa Fe to Italy, World War II, New York, the art scene, and beyond. Drew made the piece in connection with his Story Corps interview in January 2013. The piece is a beautiful Memory Book from a man who has enhanced Santa Fe's stature in the art world, and it resonates with history, spirituality, and other meaning. Even if you are not familiar with his work, you have seen his St. Francis and the Prairie Dog statue (at City Hall) thousands of times. Other famous pieces of his dot the town, and his writings, art, and sculpture (created mostly from his Canyon Road Gallery where he has spent a remarkable number of decades) are a lasting legacy that demonstrates the power of the Santa Fe mystique. I know that you will like this short film--it brought tears to my eyes.
StoryCorps interview Santa Fe January 2013, now with added visuals on You Tube:
Read 3804 times
jaima chevalier

I am a member of the discussion group on Facebook. I am a Santa Fe native. I write for a living.

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