I don't know why the posting didn't accept the dollars signs I had posted on the article but what I meant to convey was that Dr. Openheimer gave me a 5 dollar bill to pay for his meal and I gave him change for a ten dollar bill which he put into his pocket without even looking at it.
George Pomonis
Born in Santa Fe in the early 1930's. Second child of three born to Tom Pomonis and Helen (Vorres) Pomonis. Parents immigrants from Greece. I am a graduate of the Santa Fe Public School System having attended Wood-Gormely, Harrington Jr. Hi and graduating from SF High School in 1950. I am a retired organic chemist. I was employed by the Denver Research Institute (1957-58), Lasdon Foundation Research Institute for Chemotherapy as a research chemist (1958-63), Geigy Pharmaceutical Co. as research chemist (1963-65), and Bioscience Research Laboratory ARS/USDA as a senior scientist 1965-97.) I served in the US Army 1956-57. I spent a 1 year sabbatical in Athens, Greece at the Demokritos Research Institute.
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Wednesday, 20 February 2013 01:46
posted by ed Saiz
Now you see how sharp he was, just kidding
When I worked for the Lawrence Livermore Lab in Ca. I had
the opportunity to listen to "brown-bag, lunch-time"
lectures about Los Alamos and R.J.Openheimer,s adventures
by his co-worker Dr. Edward Teller. remember hearing about
him? -
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Tuesday, 19 February 2013 17:46
posted by Allan MacGillivray III
Its like tipping at the supermarket George.