An ugly Taos rebellion based on color, that few know about.
In 1932 an African-American, Thomas Johnson, was convicted of murder in Santa Fe. He was sentenced to be the first to die in New Mexico's new electric chair. In response the editor of The New Mexican (ten owned by Senator Bronson Cutting) , Dana Johnson, wrote a scathing editorial proposing that the entire black population of Santa Fe be expelled from town immediately.
Although it never happened in Santa Fe, it was carried out in Taos in January of 1932. Taos had a black population of eight men and women. They were ordered to
leave Taos within 24 hours. "They were then escorted to the town line by the sheriff and his deputy along with other citizens overseeing the migration." Several were musicians that had been playing concerts in the town plaza for years.
The Clovis Evening New Journal said, on January 8, 1932, :